Love: The Stars advise you to think about a place where you can go to enjoy great company.
Work: You'll feel irritated by a relative. Try to be sensitive as you could end up hurting your partner if not.
Health: There are changes afoot and this situation will need more flexibility. You'll have to give into decisions which come from above.
Love: You'll feel ill due to dust or because of something you've eaten.
Work: Try to weigh up situations objectively and use your intuition. Try to look at the positive side.
Health: A really tiring phase is on the cards. Your presumption will stop you finalizing important deals so if you can, postpone appointments.
Love: The Stars advise you get your eyes checked out.
Work: You'll feel suffocated and won't know how to tell your Partner this although he or she will pick up on your ill ease. Try not to be so egocentrical and be more loving.
Health: You'll need to really focus on the solution to a problem. It appears that someone is trying to trip you up, using everything he or she can to do so.
Love: The Stars advise you watch your alcohol consumption which is harmful for your delicate health.
Work: You'll be able to spend time with someone you find fascinating and will consider ending your current relationship. Just remember, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
Health: You'll manage to solve a problem thanks to your great intuition and also to the intervention of a trustworthy co-worker.
Love: The Stars suggest you spend more time with people who can understand and encourage you.
Work: You are encouraging change far too quickly. Accelerating things won't help so slow down!
Health: There are heaps of opportunities around but you are still complaining. What you need is the courage to grab them - go for it. Just take the first step and the rest will come naturally.
Love: Slow down as your nervous system is reaching breaking point.
Work: It'll be tough to get back your partner's trust but you'll finally get there by being astute.
Health: You'll get the opportunity to take a great trip which will lead to new developments in the work environment.
Love: You'll feel a little sick and not in great shape.
Work: A stormy period with your beloved is on the cards and this will make things difficult for you. This is the result of broken promises so now is the time to sort things out.
Health: You'll be stubborn and will want to do everything your own way. You'll be loathe to accept advice from others.
Love: The Stars suggest you avoid dangerous sports as you are prone to distraction.
Work: Try not to keep yourself to yourself to chew things over. A minor misunderstanding will put you in a bad mood.
Health: You should be more confrontational at work. Someone will try to waste your time and energy on useless tasks.
Love: Pay attention to your nervous system as it could be fragile.
Work: You'll be flattered by the compliments of someone you've known for a long time and will see him or her in a new light. You'll have a great deal in common, which you will only discover now.
Health: New opportunities will come your way although you'll hesitate as timing and deadlines are not clear. Seek advice.
Love: The Stars recommend you eat lots of fruit which contains Vitamin C.
Work: The way you act will cause a minor tiff with your partner. Try to be a little more coherent with what you say if you want to avoid problems.
Health: You'll realize someone is trying to create a bad impression of you and will try to catch him or her out. Before you do this, check that you are right.
Love: You'll be very dynamic and this will mean you increase physical activity.
Work: Past serenity will return to the family life. Act cautiously, especially as you'll have to take a decision which also involves your partner.
Health: Someone will notice your impatience and will use this against you. Try not to be edgy and go forward without delay. You'll come out with your head high.