Love: Beware of temperature changes as these could lead to physical indisposition.
Work: You'll manage to get through of a tough period with your beloved which has been caused by a misunderstanding. You'll realize that others were entirely to blame for this.
Health: Your charm will help you avoid criticism but be careful as it may not be so easy next time.
Love: You'll have negative thoughts which will put your nerves to the test.
Work: Try not to keep yourself to yourself to chew things over. A minor misunderstanding will put you in a bad mood.
Health: You'll worry at the idea of taking on a new project as you'll feel you lack the means to do it. However, you'll get there in the end.
Love: The Stars advise you relax and enjoy some evenings out with friends to unwind.
Work: You'll have the right intentions towards your partner but he or she could misunderstand you anyway. Try not to wait for any surprises and focus more on simplicity.
Health: Your ambition will mean you are pushing yourself to your limits and this will take a great effort. Evaluate just how far you can go or you'll be disappointed with the results.
Love: You'll feel strong and powerful but don't push your body too far.
Work: You'll behave in an impulsive and neurotic way. But you'll realize the errors of your ways and will save the situation by showing your partner a great deal of affection.
Health: You'll start off by acting instinctively when faced with a situation which feels like a threat. You'll then decide however to use different criteria.
Love: You could experience some skin problems, due to poor nutrition.
Work: You'll make the right choice but this will take a great effort. Your love for your partner will mean you'll act unnaturally and this will come back to haunt you.
Health: You will insist that someone who has made a mistake takes responsibility for this. Try not to be too exasperating or insistive however or you could get the opposite to what you desire.
Love: You should get out of the house more and enjoy the fresh air. This will be good for mental and physical energy levels.
Work: You'll feel particularly tired due to stress. You'll feel content in your relationship and will show just how happy you are.
Health: You'll need to wait for the changes you desire to arrive. Moreover, watch out for someone who promises help and understanding as this couldn't be further from the truth.
Love: You'll tend to have respiratory problems as if you need air; you feel suffocated by all you have taken on.
Work: You'll feel you lack stability and will become possessive and nasty towards your partner. Get through this period and things will sort themselves out.
Health: You'll wrongly judge a co-worker who will be sincere with you. Try to look at the facts more effectively and if you can, retract your accusations.
Love: A cup of chamomile tea will help your sleep pattern and help you get to sleep more easily.
Work: Tiredness will make you slightly less reactive than usual. You'll take some time out to reflect on what you want and need.
Health: You'll get some news but can expect some traps and hidden danger. It'll take time to regain stability. Controversy with a co-worker is likely.
Love: You'll have to find a way to eliminate tension and stress which is simply too high.
Work: You'll be flattered by the compliments of someone you've known for a long time and will see him or her in a new light. You'll have a great deal in common, which you will only discover now.
Health: A punctilious superior will instruct you to re-do a task from scratch although you'd believed it was almost finished. Make your point calmly.
Love: You can expect toothache.
Work: You'll have the strength of character to stand out from the crowd. Your good intentions will be misunderstood.
Health: You should be more confrontational at work. Someone will try to waste your time and energy on useless tasks.
Love: Try not to be too active as you could get over tired.
Work: You are afraid you are not worthy of your beloved and won't act spontaneously. Be more self confident as others will pick up on this.
Health: You'll spend a great deal of your time trying to solve a problem which has many repercussions on several activities in the firm. You'll handle this well and will be praised.